Monday, November 01, 2010

Halloween in Steamboat

We had another fantastic Halloween in Steamboat Springs this year!  This fall the weather has been beautiful and this was certainly the case last night.  While there was snow on Mt. Werner in the distance, the cool temperature in town made for a fun evening with the family

Celebrating Halloween with the rest of the town, Lincoln Ave. was shut down and all of the businesses opened for trick-or-treating.  One of Steamboat's many fun and unique traditions, it is a great way to see friends of all ages dressed up and enjoying the Holiday.

For more info call Jon at 970-819-6930 or send me an email. I respect your time and will answer your questions without a sales pitch. You can also click back to the Steamboat Springs blog main page or go to my Steamboat, CO Real Estate page if you want to search for property in Steamboat.

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